The Dirty Dozen


Here at Athena Beans, we always hope to educate the public as we learn about subjects that impact our community. We take pride in growing some of our own produce in our little garden here. Take a look at the article below about “The Dirty Dozen.”


What is The Dirty Dozen list?


The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a non-profit organization that focuses on educating the public on issues like natural resource protection, agricultural practices and the impact of chemicals on human health.


Since 1995, the EWG has released the Dirty Dozen — a list of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticide residue.


Pesticides are substances commonly used in agriculture to protect crops from damage caused by weeds, insects and disease.


To compile the Dirty Dozen list, the EWG analyzes over 38,000 samples taken by the USDA and FDA to single out the worst offenders.


The EWG claims its goal is “to educate the public about pesticides on popular fruits and vegetables.” This, it notes, is so that consumers can make the “best decisions for their families when navigating the produce section of their grocery stores.”


Many experts argue that continuous exposure to pesticides — even in small doses — can build up in your body over time and lead to chronic health conditions.


Additionally, there is concern that the safe limits set by regulatory agencies don’t take into consideration the health risks involved with consuming more than one pesticide at a time.


For these reasons, the EWG created the Dirty Dozen list as a guide for people who want to limit pesticide exposure for themselves and their family.


It is suggested that you either buy organic or grow your own foods that are on the list.


Here is the full 2023 Dirty Dozen:


1. Strawberries

2. Spinach

3. Kale, collard, and mustard greens 4. Peaches

5. Pears

6. Nectarines

7. Apples

8. Grapes Bell and hot peppers

9. Cherries

10. Blueberries

11. Green beans


That’s why, at Athena’s, we purchase local and organic as much as possible… as well as growing some of our own produce.


Check out this article to learn more: EWG’s 2023 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Lists Are Here. How Important Is It to Avoid Pesticides on Produce? | VegNews